I graduated from college in a small town in west Texas a number of years back. I recently read on the cities social media page that a local Montessori school had lost some books from a faucet that had been left on. The photo showed upturned books trying to dry them out. I looked closely at the photo and tried to determine what books they were. I then went to a nearby used bookstore and found a number of the titles, some quite by accident. I later went to a local Goodwill and picked up some more books. I put together a package and sent them out.
I felt good about this small mitzvah, but that feeling was increased immeasurably when a short while later I received thank you notes from not only the staff, but several of the children as well. My cheeks hurt from all that smiling. Little did I know, one of the staff had mentioned this donation to the local paper who contacted me and asked me about the donation. I chatted with him briefly about it and a few days later one of my former professors from school contacted me congratulating me on a job well done. I asked how he had heard about it, and he said it was on the middle of the front page of the newspaper! I was lucky enough that he would save me a copy of the paper as a keepsake which I gladly add to the numerous cards from the Alpine Montessori School.
On a recent trip to west Texas, I visited Alpine Montessori School and was able to visit with the staff. The kids were enjoying a movie at the time. I snapped a quick picture and took my leave.
I really mention all of this in hopes to show that even the smallest amount of kindness can yield rewards greater than you can imagine. I can only hope all the work we do in the future brings this much joy and satisfaction for everyone.